Shepherds and Teachers: Gifts in Ministry IX
Mercy and Prophecy Scriptures: Gifts in Ministry VIII
Guiding and Directing the Church: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Leadership: Gifts in Ministry VII
Not Just Simple Obedience…Hospitality and Intercession: Gifts in Ministry VI
Helps and Giving—Quiet but Essential Gifts: Gifts in Ministry V
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, ministry, God. Gifts. You., helps, giving, 1 Corinthians 12, Luke 10, Romans 12, 1 Peter 4, Body of Christ, church
Evangelism and Faith: Gifts in Ministry IV}
Discernment and Exhortation: Gifts in Ministry III
Craftsmanship and Artistic Expression: Gifts in Ministry II
Administration and Apostleship: Gifts in Ministry I
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, administration, apostleship, ministry, church, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4, God. Gifts. You.
Your Purpose 9—Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
Your Purpose 8--Mirror God’s Desire for Justice
Shirley Giles DavisGod, Jesus, justice, righteousness, justified, Romans 4, Romans 5, mercy, faithfulness, Matthew 23
Are You Being Clear?
Shirley Giles Davisministry description, job description, expectations, volunteers, serving, help, purpose, time, experience, commitment, importance, clarity, retention, sample form
Your Purpose 7—Awareness of God as a God of Justice
Your Purpose 6—Love Well, See Everyone as Equals
Shirley Giles DavisYour purpose, love well, equals, Colossians 3, no Gentile or Jes, no slave or free, Christ is all, God's chosen people, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgive, the peace of Christ
Your Purpose 5—Lament, Listen, Learn, Love
Shirley Giles Davisyour purpose, lament, listen, learn, love, Palo Alto Vineyard, Your Unique Calling and Design, Lamentations 3, mercies new every morning, great is your faithfulness
Your Purpose 4—Put Your Faith into Action
Your Purpose 3—Quash Favoritism Wherever You See It
Jesus Kingdom = Our Purpose
Inclusion vs. Exclusion
Shirley Giles Davisinclusion, exclusion, race, racial, Ephesians 2, reconcile, Jesus, peace, unity, foreigners, strangers, God's people
Your Purpose 2: Confession and Other-Compassion
Shirley Giles DavisLuke 6, do not judge, do not condemn, forgive, you will be forgiven, speck, log, eye, hypocrite, Jesus, confession, purpose, calling, compassion, others