Your Purpose 1: Love Your Enemies
Recipients of God’s Measureless Grace
Shirley Giles Davispurpose, calling, gratitude, grace, God, community, church, minister, Jesus, God. Gifts. You., Your Unique Design
Mercy and Prophecy: Two Contrasting—But Equal--Gifts
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, prophecy, prophet, mercy, God, church, Body of Christ, purpose, impact, love
The Gift of Prophecy Today
Does God Have You Waiting…and For What??
Shirley Giles DavisGod, waiting, powerless, character, Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Mary, disciples, Jesus, Daniel, tension, pray, Psalm 139, Psalm 23
Calling and Purpose 44—The Intersection of God’s Roles and Ours—Part III
Shirley Giles Daviscalling and purpose, God's roles, our roles, comfort, comforter, Jesus, abide in me, apart from me you can do nothing, gifts, empower
Calling and Purpose 43—The Intersection of God’s Roles and Ours—Part II
Shirley Giles DavisLord is my shepherd, Psalm 23, Jesus, God's role, purpose, spiritual gifts, Ephesians 4, high priest, priesthood of all believers, priesthood, servant, foot washing
Calling and Purpose 42—The Intersection of God’s Roles and Ours—Part I
Shirley Giles Davispurpose, God's role, our role, mercy, grace, Jesus, exhortation, giving, generosity, spiritual gifts, kindness, by grace you have been saved
Sabbath Lessons in Quarantine—Part 3
Shirley Giles Davisphysical rest, spiritual rest, God, Lord, Jesus, The Lord is my shepherd, be still, wait for the Lord, rest, quarantine, COVID-19, Trust in the Lord, restore us, be content, I will never leave you or forsake you, peace
Sabbath Lessons in Quarantine—Part 2
Sabbath Lessons in Quarantine—Part 1
Together: Purpose and Interdependence Part IV
Shirley Giles Davispurpose, interdependence, together, togetherness, body, Christ, Ephesians 3, oneness, love, wide, long, high, deep
Gifts are Meant to Produce Oneness: Purpose and Interdependence Part III
Shirley Giles Davispurpose, gifts, Paul, 1 Corinthians 12, I Corinthians 13, love, one, body, body of Christ, unity, oneness
Our Neurobiology: Purpose and Interdependence Part II
Shirley Giles DavisNeurobiology, connectedness, purpose, interdependence, Brene Brown, John Cacioppo, Jesus, body of Christ, 1 Corinthians 10, 1 Corinthians 11, unity, inclusion, Dare to Lead
COVID-19: Purpose and Interdependence Part I
Shirley Giles DavisNPR, Coping With Anxiety Over COVID-19, Purpose, Interdependence, interconnectedness, Body of Christ, Romans 7, Romans 12, gifts, humility, love, generosity, hospitality
Your Purpose in a Pandemic
Shirley Giles DavisSARS-CoV-2, coronavirus, coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19, every spiritual blessing, Christ, chosen, adopted, grace, generosity, Ephesians 1, 2 Corinthians 9, God, Jesus
Colossians 3--Living as Those Made Alive in Christ
Shirley Giles DavisColossians, Colossians 3, Paul, peace, love, forgiveness, patience, kindness, alive in Christ, Jesus, God, Father, put to death, COVID-19, dearly loved, chosen
Complete Unity
Shirley Giles DavisJesus, world, unity, believers, us, pray, prayer, witness, oneness, loving others, Body of Christ
Being IN the World But Not OF the World
Shirley Giles Davisin the world, not of the world, Jesus, disciples, enmity, purpose, calling, love, engage with, peace
Love, Obedience, and Fruitfulness
Shirley Giles Davislove, obey, obedience, Jesus, fruit, fruitfulness, dis ciples, love each other, command, purpose, calling, no greater love, last supper