Discernment and Exhortation: Gifts in Ministry III

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The Spiritual Gift of Discernment is the God-given ability, through His Holy Spirit, to distinguish between good and evil, truth and error, right and wrong, in a way that is helpful to the Body of Christ.  People with the gift of discernment, as with the other gifts, are essential to the church’s life and ministry.  These people provide much-needed insight, point out inconsistencies in teaching God’s Word, challenge deceitfulness in others, and help sort out impure motives from pure ones.

As one church member says:  “Many times, my gift of discernment is an intuitive response to someone in a committee meeting or something the group is pursuing. It doesn't ‘feel’ right…It sounds fuzzy, but there is a built-in spiritual detector that goes off when something being said or actions to be taken don't seem right.”

Exhortation, as used in the context of spiritual gifts, is more robust and stronger than simply encouragement. This gift can mean offering a word of comfort, hope, or a gentle push to action those who are discouraged.  Exhorters come alongside to offer reassurance and affirmation, and, when needed, to challenge or confront, all with the goal of seeing others grow to greater maturity in their faith.

F.B. has the gift of Exhortation:  “I have seen God use this gift to take people higher than they would have gone on their own.  I remember the first time I recognized this gift was at a summer camp when I was a senior in high school.  The entire camp was climbing up a mountain to a cross at the top, and it was not an easy hike.  A lot of the people needed some serious encouragement, so I was singing the whole way up and using "great job!" over and over.  By the time it was over, we had all made it up the mountain.  That's the way I've seen God use this gift in my life, using me to help others get to the top of a mountain that they may not have made on their own.”

These gifts along with over twenty others are part of how God has equipped our church to function.  Do you have the gifts of Discernment or Exhortation?  Are you using your gifts in ministry, following God’s leading?  Using your God-given gifts makes a far greater impact than simply using your own talents and abilities.

If you would like more information about gifts, get the God. Gifts. You. workbook (includes access to six online videos) and review additional resources at GodGiftsYou.com.  Shirley Giles Davis is also happy to consult with your church on implementing an effective discovery process that aids in people-engagement. Contact Shirley.

(c) Photo Shirley Giles Davis.