Administration and Apostleship: Gifts in Ministry I

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Those with gifts of Administration bring efficiency and order to the church and to other organizations.  These are usually the planners, goal-setters, or managers.  They look for ways to help groups of people and necessary tasks run more effectively. 

Scriptures that reference Administration or show someone exhibiting this gift:   

Acts 6 (the apostles appoint the first deacons to help in the distribution of food); Genesis (Joseph); Exodus 18 (Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, instructs Moses in better organization and delegation); 1 Kings 18 (Obadiah palace administrator and devout believer); Daniel 2 (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego--administrators over Babylon at Daniel’s request), Daniel 6 (Daniel-one of three administrators over all of kingdom); 1 Corinthians 12 (in Paul’s treatise on gifts).

Those with gifts of Apostleship introduce new ministries to the church.  They are people who blaze new trails, pioneer new endeavors, and step out into uncharted territory.  They may have a great desire to reach out to unreached peoples, to establish a new ministry, and to spread the vision of the mission of the church.

Scriptures that reference Apostleship or show someone exhibiting this gift:  

Ephesians 4 (included in the list of leadership gifts that are given to the church); Acts of the Apostles (throughout the book of Acts as you observe the apostles in ministry in a variety of settings and challenges); Romans 1; 1 Timothy 2 (Paul); 1 Corinthians 12 (in Paul’s treatise on the importance and value of each of the gifts); Paul says that those gifts are given for the purpose of preparing others to serve in order for the church to be strong (“to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:11); Colossians 1 (Paul—an “apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God”); 2 Peter 1 (Peter).

Administration and Apostleship are just two of the God-given spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture.  Both gifts are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:28 in Paul’s treatise on the importance and value of each of the gifts.  Spiritual gifts are God-given special abilities, distributed by His Holy Spirit to believers, to be used to glorify Him in ministry and to build up the church. 

These two gifts along with over twenty others are part of how God has equipped the church to function.  Do you have the gifts of Administration or Apostleship?  Are you using your gifts in ministry, following God’s leading?  Using your God-given gifts makes a far greater impact than simply using your own talents and abilities.  

For further study about gifts, take a look at Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4.  Each gift is a necessary part of the body of Christ!

If you would like more information about gifts, get the God. Gifts. You. workbook (includes access to six online videos).  Shirley Giles Davis is also happy to consult with your church on implementing an effective discovery process that aids in people-engagement. Contact Shirley.