Calling and Purpose 47—God Gives Daniel Wisdom and Courage
Guiding and Directing the Church: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Leadership: Gifts in Ministry VII
Calling and Purpose 37—Solomon—One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Shirley Giles DavisSolomon, David, king, Israel, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, faithful, wise, wisdom, God, Lord, purpose, calling
Unless the Lord Builds the House
Shirley Giles DavisSolomon, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, power, work, workplace, build, Lord, God, psalm 127, unless the Lord builds the house, purpose
Establish the Work of Our Hands
Shirley Giles DavisMoses, purpose, prayer, psalm 90, work, hands, God, wisdom, significance, legacy
Calling and Purpose 36—Bezalel
Shirley Giles DavisMoses, Bezalel, Exodus, Tabernacle, wisdom, knowledge, craftsmanship, gifts, calling, purpose, create, skill, talent, faith and work, God, Lord
Calling and Purpose 33—The Twelve and the Seven
Shirley Giles DavisActs, church, apostles, deacons, food, poor, gifts, opportunity, teaching, wisdom, prayer, helps
Calling and Purpose 24—Samuel
Shirley Giles DavisSamuel, prophet, leader, king, Israel, wisdom, miracles, integrity, faithful, listening, hearing
Calling and Purpose 16—Some Scriptural Guidance
Spiritual Gift Definitions
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, definitions, administration, mercy, evangelism, wisdom, teaching, tongues, healing, hospitality, discernment, encouragement, prayer