Shepherds and Teachers: Gifts in Ministry IX


Two of the leadership gifts given to the church are those of Shepherding (Pastoring) and Teaching.  “It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors [shepherds] and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”  (Ephesians 4:11)

Shepherding involves nurture and guidance of others so that they grow in spiritual maturity and Christ-like character.  Some pastors have the spiritual gift of shepherding;  many others in the church also have this gift.

M.K., who helps facilitate grief counseling (among other things), has this gift.  She speaks of it this way:  “God took a difficult event in my early life and, over time, began to teach and grow me.  Our Lord strengthened and taught me and has used the broken places in my life to instill a passion for reaching out to others who may feel broken.  God has called me to come alongside others who might be suffering the loss of a loved one, and it has been a rich ministry to share the love of the Great Physician who says, ‘I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.’ (Jer. 6:67-68)”

The Gift of Shepherding can be used in any ministry area with people of any age. D.M. has also shepherded third graders in Sunday School for many years.  She is mindful that Jesus Himself is the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for His sheep.  D.M. says of serving using this God-given gift, “Over the years, I have enjoyed the guidance, instruction, nurturing and fellowship of others who have shepherded me.  God placed these special people in my life to be my role models.  Today, I am counted as a shepherd in God's kingdom, and it is humbling indeed.  None of my success in keeping watch over the 3rd graders in Sunday school comes from me alone.  It is by His equipping that I take responsibility for the teaching of His word and the nurturing of these children."

Equally as valuable to the building up of the Body of Christ (the church) is the spiritual gift of Teaching.  This gift involves studying, understanding, explaining, and applying Scripture in such a way that people grow in their own understanding, are challenged, and are inspired to apply what they’ve learned.

Teacher W.L. describes his ministry this way, “The gift of teaching is an example of God's surprising and unexpected blessing in my life. He broke through my belief that teachers were the carriers and purveyors of all things boring and without lasting use to anyone except the lifeless or incurably cerebral. He showed me that I could prepare relevant, exciting, and powerful opportunities for my peers that He could use to strengthen understanding and motivation for our mutual further growth. From this beginning, I trained, prepared and experimented with the gift of teaching for over 30 years . The results have been the additional blessing of a life of continuing fulfillment and contribution.”

These gifts along with over twenty others are part of how God has equipped our church to function.  Do you have the gifts of Shepherding or Teaching?  Are you using your gifts in ministry, following God’s leading?  Using your God-given gifts makes a far greater impact than simply using your own talents and abilities.


If you would like more information about gifts, get the God. Gifts. You. workbook (includes access to six online videos) and review additional resources at  Shirley Giles Davis is also happy to consult with your church on implementing an effective discovery process that aids in people-engagement. Contact Shirley.

Photo © Shirley Giles Davis