Advent Week Two: PEACE—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Inclusion vs. Exclusion
Shirley Giles Davisinclusion, exclusion, race, racial, Ephesians 2, reconcile, Jesus, peace, unity, foreigners, strangers, God's people
Sabbath Lessons in Quarantine—Part 3
Shirley Giles Davisphysical rest, spiritual rest, God, Lord, Jesus, The Lord is my shepherd, be still, wait for the Lord, rest, quarantine, COVID-19, Trust in the Lord, restore us, be content, I will never leave you or forsake you, peace
Colossians 3--Living as Those Made Alive in Christ
Shirley Giles DavisColossians, Colossians 3, Paul, peace, love, forgiveness, patience, kindness, alive in Christ, Jesus, God, Father, put to death, COVID-19, dearly loved, chosen
Being IN the World But Not OF the World
Shirley Giles Davisin the world, not of the world, Jesus, disciples, enmity, purpose, calling, love, engage with, peace