Abuse of Power in the Church—Part I—15 Questions to ask yourself and your colleagues
Shirley Giles Davisabuse of power, abuse of power in the church, leadership in the church, accountability in the church, church staff, church leadership, Jesus as Head of the Church, church as Body of Christ, questions to ask, 15 questions for accountability
Prayerful, Intentional, Personal Invitation
Calling and Purpose 55—Mentoring and Serving—Elijah and Elisha
Calling and Purpose 54—Micaiah Speaks Truth to Power
Calling and Purpose 53—Go Your Way Til the End, Daniel—Staying the Course
Calling and Purpose 52—Daniel, Dreams, Visions, Prophecies, and Prayers
Shirley Giles DavisDaniel Chapter 7, Daniel Chapter 8, Daniel Chapter 9, prayer, calling and purpose, Ancient of Days, son of man, dreams, visions, prophecies
Calling and Purpose 51—Daniel Survives the Lions
Calling and Purpose 50— Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Calling and Purpose 49--Daniel Continues to Speak Truth to Power
Calling and Purpose 48--Daniel Speaks Truth to Power
Calling and Purpose 47—God Gives Daniel Wisdom and Courage
Calling and Purpose 46—Daniel and Captivity
Calling—Obadiah 45—palace administrator for Ahab AND devout believer
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #14
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #13
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #12
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #11
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #10
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #9
Love => Trust => Living into Your Design and Purpose
Shirley Giles DavisGod’s affirmations for you, you are God’s child, you are greatly loved by God, you are saved by grace, you are free from condemnation, chosen by God, you are God’s handiwork, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, John 1, Romans 8, Galatians 3, Ephesians 2, 1 John 3, John 15, Psalm 139