Spiritual Gifts FAQs #8
God’s Unfailing Love
Spiritual Gifts FAQs #7
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #6
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, spiritual disciplines, what is the difference between spiritual gifts and spiritual disciplines?, God. Gifts. You., Gift of intercession, Gift of Giving, solitude, silence, lectio divina, prayer, free gifts assessment, free spiritual gifts inventory
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #5
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #4
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #3
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #2
Shirley Giles Davischurch, body of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12, unity, diversity, Spirit, spiritual gifts, God's design for the church, spiritual gifts assessment, what part of the body of Christ are you
Spiritual Gifts FAQ’s #1
Paying Attention—Responding “At Once”
Shirley Giles DavisPaul, Silas, Timothy, Luke, Acts 16, Philippi, Lydia, jailer, faith, baptized, hearing God speak, worship, Jesus, Lord
Called to be—People of HOPE
Shirley Giles Davishope, calling, Paul, Jesus, despair, depression, grief, sadness, indefinite uncertainty, ambiguous loss, compassion fatigue, pandemic, COVID-19
Your Work IS a Calling
Shirley Giles Davisvocation, vocational discernment, psalm 139, ephesians 4, genesis 1:27, hebrews 13, Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller, spiritual gifts, calling, purpose
Epiphany and the Value of Gifts
Shirley Giles DavisEpiphany, Jesus, wise men, Magi, spiritual gifts, gold, frankincense, myrrh, 1 Peter 4, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 2
Healing, Miraculous Powers, Tongues, and Interpretation: Gifts in Ministry X
Shirley Giles Davisministry, spiritual gifts, healing, miracles, miraculous powers, tongues, interpretation of tongues, Spirit, church, Body of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12, God. Gifts. You.
Advent Christmas Eve/Christmas: CHRIST—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Shirley Giles DavisAdvent, Christ candle, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Preparing for Christmas, Love, Hope, Peace, Joy
Advent Week Four: LOVE—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Shirley Giles Davislove, Jesus, Chjristmas, Christ, Advent, Advent 2020, Advent preparation, preparing for Christmas, Advent readings, Advent candle, Love candle
Advent Week Three: JOY—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Advent Week Two: PEACE—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Advent Week One: HOPE—Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Advent--Preparing for CHRISTmas 2020
Shirley Giles DavisAdvent, Advent 2020, Preparing for Christmas, Frederick Buechner, Chris Tomlin, God's faithfulness, Jesus, Advent wreath, Advent candles, preparation, God Gifts You