Calling and Purpose 53—Go Your Way Til the End, Daniel—Staying the Course


[Read Calling and Purpose—Daniel and Captivity]

[Read Calling and Purpose—God Gives Daniel Wisdom and Courage]

[Read Calling and Purpose--Daniel Speaks Truth to Power]

[Read Calling and Purpose—Daniel Continues to Speak Truth to Power]

[Read Calling and Purpose—Daniel Survives the Lions]

[Read Calling and Purpose—Daniel, Dreams, Visions, Prophecies, and Prayers]


By the last three chapters of the Book of Daniel, our protagonist has served under many kings (and cultures), notably Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar (Babylonian), Darius (Mede), Cyrus (Persian). Daniel records visions from the Lord during each of their reigns. Much of what he sees is beyond his own lifetime. Much of what he is shown causes terror and mourning. Some of what is revealed is the awesomeness and holiness and glory and power of the Lord.


Instead of being delighted that he would be spared this tumultuous set of future scenarios, we see the true heart of Daniel—one of compassion for his people, one who desires that destruction be averted and God to show Himself victorious.


One of Daniel’s visions is so terrifying that those with him, though they did not see it, flee and go into hiding. Daniel hears the content of the revelation and falls face to the ground. He is touched by a hand and set on his hands and knees. Then, he is told to stand up. His first response is to prostrate himself before the Lord. His second is one of prayer and petition. The third might be interpreted as one of worship.


We hear that Daniel is “highly esteemed” and that “Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” God’s messenger reports that Daniel’s practice was one of humility and persistent prayer…and that God responds.


Daniel bows again with his face to the ground, speechless, weak, and in anguish. He is touched by the angel of the Lord and given strength and the ability to speak, as well as receiving multiple assurances to not be afraid: “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.”


The prophecies detail stories of kings and wars and successes and failures…of deceit and abuse of power…pf evil and deception…all with the overlay that God knows all of this in advance and will bring an end at “the appointed time”. Imbedded in all this is the reassurance—the promise--“at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.”


When Daniel doesn’t comprehend all that is shown to him, he is encouraged: “Go your way, Daniel” “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”  And, again: “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”


God seems to be answering Daniel’s prayers for his people and for deliverance—with a “yes, but later”, and a promise that Daniel would be rewarded—resurrected—for his faithfulness. It is worth returning to Daniel 1:21 which tells us that Daniel remained in captivity in Babylon “until the first year of King Cyrus.” The footnote in the NIV Study Bible says, “Daniel spent about 70 years in Babylonia and was still living in the year 537, so he saw the exiles return to Judah from Babylonian captivity.”


A long, faithful life without being rescued and restored except in eternity. Daniel sees others return. He does not return to his homeland. In spite of this, Daniel still follows hard after God until the end. He remains a skilled, committed, honest, above-reproach worker for many not-so-godly administrations. He makes his mark, while remaining humble. God placed Daniel where he could do the most good and have the most influence.



·         Would you say your heart is full of compassion and mercy for others? How often do you pray that the Lord is merciful to them?

·         Are you aware of your prayer and worship postures? When are you face down? On hands and knees? Kneeling? Standing? How do these stances impact your heart, mind, and emotions?

·         How frequently is your prayer time marked by humility and persistence?

·         How might you “go your way…til the end”?


Additional Resources:

•           Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog

•           Downloadable Resources--See Sample List of Interest Areas; Your Spiritual Gifts—A Study Guide; Knowing Your Unique Calling and Purpose Study Guide; Whole-Life Ministry: A Form of Worship, Grace-Giving, and Living into Your Calling.

•           Spiritual Gifts Assessment



Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and leaders in a diversity of fields for over 30 years. She has also been Equipping Ministries Director at her church since 1999.


© 2021

© Photo by Shirley Giles Davis, all rights reserved.