What is Your Spiritual Gifts Verse?
In this New Year...
Are You Weary? Part II
Shirley Giles Davisbuilding resilience, team health, stop ruminating, regular prayer and meditation, daily exercise, practicing gratitude, being present, being intentional about what you consume, remain in community, we are made for relationship
Are You Weary? Part I
Serving and Well-being
The Body of Christ—Questions for Reflection
Singleness, Voluntary Poverty, and Martyrdom—Gifts?
Encouragement for the Journey
“Research is useful until it becomes a form of procrastination.”—James Clear
A Helpful Hint for Remembering Your Gifts—So You Can USE Them!!
Jesus—Our Inviter—Our Identity
A Spirit-Empowered, Jesus-Equipped, Unified, Mature Church Body
Your Gifts are a Way to Steward What God has Entrusted to You
WHO You are Becoming Matters FAR More Than You Think: A Prayer Guide for Aligning with What the Lord is Doing
Inviting People to Serve—What Would You Say?
The Ephesians 4:11-13 Mandate
We Need to BE and to DO “Church” Differently
God.Gifts.You—An Update
Purpose and Calling: Intercede V
Purpose and Calling: Intercede IV