Posts tagged understanding spiritual gifts
"Well, if someone gave me a lot of money, I’d have the gift of Giving."--Spiritual Gifts FAQ
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gift of giving, gift of giving, radical generosity, boundless generosity, lavish giving, understanding gifts, understanding my gifts, understanding spiritual gifts, understanding my spiritual gifts, understanding the church as the Body of Christ, Your Unique Calling and Design, your unique design
I'm very curious whether there are some gifts that are more "looked down upon" than others?--Spiritual Gifts FAQs
I wonder, if sometimes evidence of the spiritual gift is not a person's actions or what they say/do, but the Holy Spirit manifesting in the context that they are in and around?--Spiritual Gifts FAQs
Spiritual Gift FAQ Blog Posts by Title and Date
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, spiritual gifts FAQs, understanding gifts, understanding spiritual gifts, understanding my spiritual gifts, frequently asked questions for spiritual gifts, common spiritual gifts questions, gifts vs job?, what does desiring the greater gifts mean?, 1 Corinthians 12:31, how to use my spiritual gifts
Some gifts seem to have overlap: Shepherding vs. exhortation, Teaching vs. knowledge?--Spiritual Gifts FAQ
Gaming the Test: Your Results are Still Your Results
“Research is useful until it becomes a form of procrastination.”—James Clear