Some gifts seem to have overlap: Shepherding vs. exhortation, Teaching vs. knowledge?--Spiritual Gifts FAQ Shirley Giles DavisJanuary 27, 2025spiritual gifts definitions, spiritual gifts overlap, shepherding vs exhortation, teaching vs knowledge, different gifts, understanding gifts, understanding spiritual gifts, understanding my spiritual gifts, understanding the church as the Body of Christ
Gaming the Test: Your Results are Still Your Results Shirley Giles DavisMay 2, 2023free spiritual gifts assessment, free gifts assessment, understanding spiritual gifts, spiritual gifts understanding, gaining clarity on spiritual gifts, gift of knowledge, gift of wisdom, downloadable spiritual gifts resources, God. Gifts. You.
“Research is useful until it becomes a form of procrastination.”—James Clear Shirley Giles DavisSeptember 6, 2022Research is useful until it becomes a form of procrastination, James Clear Atomic Habits, do something, understanding spiritual gifts, John Mark Comer Harder Better Faster Stronger, creating a difference, the appointed time, Ripples by Danielle Doby