Creating Open Seating

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We grow in community and we grow by serving.  How are you working to help one another get better connected within the life of your church and in your community?

A place to start is to ask ministry leaders and staff to help create a list of any fellowship or learning opportunities where people would be welcome to drop by and/or join in.  Compiling this information into something like a Hotlist of Fellowship and Learning Opportunities then provides a great resource for those seeking a class, small group, Bible Study, or one-time event that has an “open seat.”  Many new members and discovery class participants at our church have found their places of study and friendship-building through information provided by our version of this Hotlist.

The next task is to help people find places to serve—think easy-entry, open-spot, not the complicated submit-an-application-and-we’ll-get-back-to-you-in-a-few-months options.  Contact all ministry leaders, staff, and local human services agencies (think homeless shelter, food bank, child advocates, mental health support, etc.).  Compile the list according to categories and/or spiritual gifts.  Provide this Hotlist of Ministry Opportunities to anyone seeking to serve.

A recent Hotlist of Ministry Opportunities at our church included headings like: 

  • Do you enjoy working with children?  Do you have gifts of exhortation, shepherding, teaching, artistic expression, helps, hospitality, mercy, or just love kids?

  • Use your baking, cooking, and/or serving skills.

  • Do you like to make people feel welcome?  Come use your gifts of hospitality and helps to make a difference!

  • Do you have a passion for middle schoolers?  Many gifts and skills are needed to support this ministry.

  • Do you enjoy working with your hands, doing crafts, sewing, building, repair work?

  • Do you have the gift of intercession?  Do you have a passion for prayer?

  • Do you like to help doing practical, administrative things?  Gift of helps, administration, or skill of “attention to detail” desired.

  • Do you have a passion for music and worship?  Whether you are musical or not, there are many ways to help facilitate great worship.

  • Do you have a passion for high school youth?

  • Help our church reach out into the community;  work with those less-fortunate—all gifts needed.

  • Are you interested in missions—local or global?  We have many opportunities here and abroad where you can use any of your gifts to further God’s kingdom.

  • Do you enjoy ministry to and for women of all ages?

  • Work with adults of all ages.

  • Do you have a keen interest in finance?  Use your gifts of giving, leadership, administration, faith, and skills in financial planning.

  • Ways to help in the community.

We then provide these lists in hard copy in the main office, at the Welcome Centers on Sunday mornings (and throughout the week), in discovery and new members classes, as well as in PDF form on our website. Have a plan for being intentional about connecting people as they express interest. And, help them know their areas of giftedness and/or interests by offering them the resources on

Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and law enforcement leadership for over 30 years.  She has worked with leaders and organizations in 47 of the United States as well as having clients outside the U.S.  Contact Shirley