On Equipping…

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In one of the key Scripture passages referring to spiritual gifts in the church, the Apostle Paul says:  “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)


Just in these few verses, we see some key concepts about leadership, training others, the health of the church, and growing to maturity. 


Leadership and the training of others:

Paul emphasizes that the leadership gifts of apostleship, prophecy, evangelism, shepherding, and teaching are given to individuals in the church “to equip” others to do ministry.  The word equip (e·quip) means to supply with necessities such as tools or provisions, to furnish with the qualities necessary for performance.  It’s an action word—leaders are engaged in ministry, but their primary engagement is to use those gifts to engage others.


Healthy churches and mature believers:

As we equip God’s people for ministry, that’s not actually the end goal.  The goals, as laid out in Ephesians 4, are “so that the body of Christ may be built up” or strengthened or healthy…and so that we grow in unity and knowledge of Jesus so that we “become mature” in Christ.


Churches that are intentional about equipping and engagement (inside and outside the walls of the church) embrace the following 9 key concepts:

  1. Christ is the Head of the Body, the church.  All members are part of the Body of Christ and part of the “priesthood of all believers”.  All are called to ministry.

  2. All believers are given spiritual gifts by God, empowered by His Holy Spirit.  Each person is enabled to discover, understand, and develop their God-given spiritual gifts, passion, personal style, talents, and life experiences.

  3. The role of staff is to equip the congregation for service, assisting individuals in finding meaningful places to engage, so all grow to maturity in Christ.

  4. Serving is meant to worship and glorify God, strengthen the church, and love the world.

  5. “Ministry” is what is done inside AND outside the church walls.

  6. Effective utilization of volunteers is essential to accomplish the ministry God has called our church to do.  This includes personal invitation, training, guidance, supervision, encouragement, challenge, and appreciation.

  7. New Members, Discipleship, and Discovery class participants are key groups for equipping, invitation, challenge, and connection.

  8. Service to the community is meaningful, useful, and authentic…that influences others for and attracts others to Jesus Christ.

  9. Ministry involvement and giving/stewardship are intimately connected.


So, how is your church equipping people?  Where can ministry be shared?  Do you have a culture where people see themselves as “disciples” instead of as “just volunteers”?


Shirley Giles Davis is Director of EquipConnectServe Ministries at First Pres Church in Boulder, CO.  She is also author of God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design and works as a life and leadership coach.  Find out more at GodGiftsYou.com

© Shirley Giles Davis 2018