Life-Giving or “Joy-sucking”? Is Administration My Spiritual Gift?

The previous post and next few blog posts will capture some questions from a recent Your Unique Design gifts class. One participant asked, with regard to his gifts:


One of my gifts (administration) is something that I often have to do at work, and I had to do a lot of in a brief period of being a team lead. I think I can recognize the ways I am good at it, but I really actively dislike it. It feels exhausting, and in the extreme, joy-sucking…What do I do with a gift that takes it out of me so much?


“Joy-sucking” is actually the opposite of the definition of a gift. Not to say that using our gifts is always easy or always fulfilling, but mostly we do have a sense that we are wired—gifted—to do something. Perhaps, due to your work history, you were able to respond affirmatively (and highly) to the three questions on the assessment pertaining to Administration—as in, you have done these things. It could be helpful to go to the printed assessment in the back of your workbook and review the three questions—thinking in terms of life-giving vs. draining.

Also, the way the rest of the world defines “administration” is much less vibrant and powerful than the way God sees it. Could it be that you do have that gift—but not for the “team lead” situation—instead because it’s the way you think and organize? Do you see a way through chaos? Can you articulate how something might be structured so as to create or improve it? The name of the gift is not always synonymous with titles. Think of the role/s you play. Do others see you as a strategizer, or developer? Are you efficient in getting things done? Review the longer description of Administration here.


Take time to also ask those who know you well (3-5 people is a useful sample here) what they think. Let them read the gifts definitions and give input as to how they see you. Also take a moment to read “Flow”. How does that information resonate?


Finally, as with many of the gifts, Administration can also be a skill. Perhaps it’s a well-developed one for you, but not a gift. No matter what, take the time to ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to know about Administration. If it IS one of your gifts, explore with God how it’s already showing up at work, home, etc. Ask Him to help you embrace it in a new way.


Set aside some time to read more about each of these gifts in other blog posts—some give extensive definitions; others provide Scriptural references that can be helpful.



Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, DIOS. DONES. TÚ.: Tu llamado y diseño único (Spanish Edition), and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with hundreds of faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and executive leaders in a diversity of fields for four decades. She currently serves as Catalyst for Equipping at her church.


Photo © Shirley Giles Davis.

All rights reserved.