Equipping Ministry Intercession Ideas, October 2023 Part E

(See the four previous posts. Also see downloadable Equipping Ministry Prayer Guide; Praying Through the Gifts at Your Church:  A Spiritual Gifts Prayer Guide; and Equipping Prayer Guide—Praying Scripture for Your Congregation)


Prayer for all in our congregation:


God our Great Father…we sit in wonder at Your love that reaches to the heavens…Your faithfulness that stretches to the skies. Your Word reminds us that your everlasting love is priceless, unfailing, and trustworthy. This evening, we thank you for this great, unfailing love that You have so generously and undeservedly lavished on us. We are so grateful that You call us Your children. We delight in being called Your masterpiece…so intentionally knit together by You—each of us unrepeatable miracles with great purpose—to glorify You. You call us chosen, holy, special to You.


We are also thankful that You are the One who is continuously redeeming and transforming us into Jesus’ likeness. You are not content to leave us floundering …but You desire that we become the best version of who You created us to be. You have called us out of darkness and into the stunning light of Your Presence. We today and forward choose to believe what You say about us…and we ask that You erase the lies the enemy has tried to plant and the falsehoods that our culture fans into flame and destroy the thoughts that drag us down.


Faithful Lord, help each of us believe deep in our souls that You love us. Encourage and strengthen our hearts and minds—to abide with You…to receive Your love. Help us to love ourselves so that we let Your love pass through us to others…that they might know they are loved.


This week, remind us of the Holy Spirit’s power within each of us…and of Your wide, long, high, and deep love for us. Fill us with Your joy and Your fullness. Help us submit to You—to what You want for each of us—as we live flourishing lives overflowing with Your Living Water.



[Prayer prompts continued in the next post.]



Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and executive leaders in a diversity of fields for over 35 years. She currently serves as Equipping Ministries Director at her church.


Photo © Shirley Giles Davis.

All rights reserved.