Spiritual Gifts Study Guide Deeply Rooted in Scripture

If you are seeking a spiritual gifts study guide that is deeply rooted in Scripture—both the Old and New Testaments—consider purchasing God. Gifts. You.: Your Unique Calling and Design. The six weeks of diving into your calling, gifts, and purpose, by beginning with Biblical examples of those who have gone before us, will help you connect the dots. Not just informative, but affirming and reaffirming of how you are uniquely wired and specially gifted, with a focus on your life in this season.


Expect to be spurred on “toward love and good deeds”* and to explore use of your gifts every day in the whole of your life. Clear teaching, many examples, quotations from others describing what it looks like when they use their gifts in the power of the Holy Spirit. Enhance your understanding of how God works in and through each and every member of His Church—His Body—the Body of Christ.


Be prepared to be surprised by the Lord and to grow in hope as you engage with the chapters, verses, questions, and each other—if you do the course with others.


I am passionate about every person who follows Jesus to discover, understand, and put their gifts into practice in the context of His call on each of our lives—individually and corporately. May you be challenged, inspired, and find great enjoyment in the learning journey of God. Gifts. You.: Your Unique Calling and Design.




*See Hebrews 10:19-25.



Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and executive leaders in a diversity of fields for over 35 years. She currently serves as Equipping Ministries Director at her church.


Photo © Shirley Giles Davis.


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