Purpose and Calling: Intercede III

[Read previous posts: Purpose and Calling: Intercede Intro; Purpose and Calling: Intercede II]


The following is the guided prayer I wrote for the lament service following a fire in our county that destroyed nearly 1,000 homes and deeply impacted tens of thousands. In our lament, we gather to grieve together, pray together, and remind one another of the hope we have in Jesus.


Let’s sit for a moment…in silence…and stillness…as we become aware of God’s Presence…



Lord, we are heartbroken. We are in shock.
Meet us here. [PAUSE]


We begin with gratitude—for the miracle of no loss of life. Truly, Lord, even our law enforcement and government leaders are using the words “miracle” for this provision and protection of human life in the midst of the vast devastation and loss. Thank you that those we know and love…those we live and work and play and worship with are safe. We take a moment now to silently name those names before You in gratefulness. [PAUSE]


Lord, we are also deeply thankful for the first responders and others who risked their own lives and comfort on behalf of the rest of us. We ask that you be with them as they recover from the trauma of all they saw and experienced while they were doing their jobs.


We’ve just come through Advent—waiting for Jesus to come—and Christmas—Jesus’ coming—Emmanuel—God WITH us. We so need a second Advent…here…now…today. We need You Jesus—to come…to come again. To be here…to bring Your Light to our darkness. To bring Your hope in our ,,,,,  To be our Peace. We pause to offer our silent pleas to You. [PAUSE]


We weep with those who have suffered great loss. Lord, help them…hold them…uphold them in this time of difficulty. We pause now to pray for them by name and for their needs. [PAUSE]


We think of others who are still displaced and lift up our individual prayers for those we know whose homes are gone [PAUSE].


For our church and others who are triaging needs and marshalling resources…grant wisdom, stamina, patience, and grace. We pause now to silently seek you, Lord, as individually we wonder how each of us might help. [PAUSE}


Lord, Your love reaches to the heavens…Your faithfulness stretches to the skies…

We count on You to be Mighty…awesome…powerful…

We rely on you to be tender, merciful, loving


We ask for Your help BECAUSE of Your great mercy.

In Your GREAT and powerful NAME,



Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and leaders in a diversity of fields for over 30 years. She has also been Catalyst for Equipping at her 1,200 member church since 1999.


Photo (c) Shirley Giles Davis, all rights reserved. Artwork by Deborah Pascoe.