Our Ability to Live Our Purpose is Rooted in God's Truth About Us--and Our Belief in That Truth

How often do you truly, deeply, wholeheartedly believe that you are God’s beloved child? That you are completely saved by God’s astoundingly limitless grace? That you are so utterly and completely loved by the God of the universe? That you are unique…chosen…purposed…?


And, how often do you speak these same truths—exhortations, encouragements—to others in your sphere? When you do, do they actively receive them?


Take a moment to review the God’s Affirmations for You list below. Is there one in particular that speaks to your heart today? Put your name in those blanks and say it out loud. Embrace this truth—from God’s Word. This is who you are.


Next, take a moment to think of a friend, co-worker, colleague, congregation member. As you prayerfully peruse the same list of affirmations, is there one that the Holy Spirit seems to be indicating for that person? Put their name in those blanks. Find a time to share that with them—preferably in person.


If you have a staff or ministry group/gathering, consider printing out the PDF version of the God’s Affirmations and use the following instructions:


Practice: God’s Affirmations for You—

·         Give the group 4 minutes…to prayerfully read the affirmations and get into a listening to God space…listening for which one/s the Lord has for the person on your right.

·         At the end of 2 min., each person, in turn, reads the affirmation to the person on their right:

·         The one reading puts the person’s name in the blanks.

·         The one receiving actively receives (“I receive that, thank you, wow, …)


End with a time of prayer, emphasizing embracing and living into the power of what God says to us and about us—our God-shaped identity.


God’s Affirmations for You

You are God’s Child.

•               • To you (Name)____________ who did receive him, to you (Name)____________ who believed in his name, Jesus gave the right to become a child of God… John 1:12

•               • The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that you (Name)____________ are God’s child. Romans 8:16

•               • In Christ Jesus you (Name)___________ are a child of God through faith, for you (Name)___________ were baptized into Christ and have clothed yourself with Christ. Galatians 3:26-27


You are greatly loved by God. You are saved by grace.

•               • But because of his great love for you (Name)___________, God, who is rich in mercy, made you (Name)___________ alive with Christ even when you (Name)__________ were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you (Name)___________ have been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5

•               • See what great love the Father has lavished on you (Name)___________, that you (Name)________ should be called a child of God! And that is what you (Name)_________ are! 1 John 3:1


You are free from condemnation.

•               • Therefore, there is now no condemnation for you (Name)___________ who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you (Name)___________ free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2


You have been chosen by God. You have been selected to bear lasting fruit.

•               • You (Name)___________ did not choose me, but I chose you (Name)___________ and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you (Name)___________ ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16


You are God’s handiwork.

•               • For you (Name)__________ are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you (Name)__________ to do. Ephesians 2:10


You are known…completely. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are wonderful. You have a purpose.

•               • You have searched (Name)___________, Lord, and you know [him/her]. You know when (Name)___________ sits and when (Name)___________ rises; you perceive [his/her] thoughts from afar. You discern (Name)__________’s going out and [his/her] lying down; you are familiar with all (Name)__________‘s ways. Before a word is on [his/her] tongue you, Lord, know it completely. Psalm 139:1-4


•               • For you created (Name)____________’s inmost being; you knit (Name)___________ together in [his/her] mother’s womb. You are to be praised because (Name)________ is fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, may (Name)__________ know that full well. [His/Her] frame was not hidden from you when [he/she] was made in the secret place, when (Name)___________ was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw (Name)___________ unformed body; all the days ordained for (Name)___________ were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16


Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, Your Unique Design Class Guide, Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide, and Gifts-Calling-Purpose blog, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and leaders in a diversity of fields for over 30 years. She has also been EquipConnectServe Director at her 1,200 member church since 1999.  Contact Shirley.


Photo © Shirley Giles Davis, All Rights Reserved.



Shirley Giles Davis