Have You Found a Place of Service? These People Have…

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There are many ways to serve—inside and outside your faith community. Here are just a few examples of those who have found places of engagement that resonate with their gifts and passions—how they were designed by God:

§ I serve as a Core Group Leader with our church’s University Ministry, at home with family, and mentoring people God has given to me.  I pray, practice hospitality, listen, encourage.  I am blessed to be a blessing for others.  –MF


§ I’m on our church’s Community Life Committee, serving as a neighborhood gathering leader, helping with the Father Daughter Dance and the Easter Egg Hunt.  My service involves building community through planning, organizing, and encouraging.  What brings me joy?--All of it, but especially bringing people, churched and unchurched, together and letting God do the rest!  --KC

§ I visit some of the older members of our congregation and a few older friends and younger ones too -- one of my gifts that our church’s discovery spiritual gifts class helped me realize is the gift of encouragement which I conscientiously try to dispense continually.  I also like to pray for folks I see from my car - folks having a bad, good or indifferent day, the homeless -- anyone who looks like they might need it.  I greatly enjoyed all the heavy lifting I have done in the past -- you always ALWAYS get back way more than you give.  If nothing else, service helps you stop judging folks, develops great compassion, and you have obeyed Jesus to feed the lambs.  A long obedience in the same direction takes on different attributes in different seasons of life.   –Anon.

Find something you love to do…and go do it!  Find someone to do it with.  Follow your passion, your gifts and your interests.  God has blessed you to be a blessing.  For more information about getting involved somewhere inside or outside the walls of your faith community, explore the GodGiftsYou.com website.  Take the spiritual gifts assessment.  Look for where God is active around you and join Him. 


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us."  Ephesians 3:20


Shirley Giles Davis, author of the God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design workbook, is a consultant, coach, facilitator who has worked with faith-based organizations, nonprofit agencies, and law enforcement leadership for over 30 years.  She has worked with leaders and organizations in 47 of the United States as well as having clients outside the U.S.  Contact Shirley.


© Shirley Giles Davis, 2018


God. Gifts. You. Your Unique Calling and Design:  a six-week workbook study with videos